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  • Can I cancel my subscription anytime?
    Sure. Your paid subscription can be cancelled anytime by cancelling it through Apple.
  • How do I cancel my subscription?
    Cancel subscription on iPhone, iPad or iPod Access app from your iOS device. Tap on your account. Tap and select . Tap and the cancellation. Apple will ask you to cancel your subsctipiton when you delete the app.
  • Will my subscription be renewed automatically?
    The subscription will be automatically renewed by App Store after 1 year at least 24 hours before the end of the subscription period unless auto-renew is turned off.
  • How can I get a refund?
    Since we manage buying a subscription through Apple, you have to ask Apple directly for a refund (developers can’t give refunds). Find Apple’s guidelines on refunds here.
  • What calendar services I can sync?
    XToDo works with iCloud, Google, and Outlook/Exchange calendars. Syncing with all of these calendars is handled through EventKit, which is Apple's secure calendar management system. When you give XToDo permission to access your calendars, it will automatically sync with all of the calendar accounts you have added through the iOS Settings app (under Accounts & Passwords).
  • How can I show/hide iCloud calendars?
    To Show/Hide calendars. Go to settings by tapping 'Gear' icon on top left -> Calendars to show/hide calendars.
  • How do I jump to today in calendar view?
    Just tap the month name in the toop bar to jump to today in calendar.
  • How do I scroll through months in calendar view?
    Swipe right or left on calendar to scroll through months.
  • How do I report an issue?
    You can go to Settings by tapping 'Gear' icon then tap “Contact Support” button to report any issues you have. It would be great if you can provide steps to reproduce it. We’ll try to fix it as quickly as possible. You can go to or you can email us at
  • How do I request a feature?
    Currently we are working to have feature request management system in place. meanwhile you can always request a feature using “Contact Support” in settings screen. You can go to or you can email us at
  • How do I change list name?
    To change a list name. Please go to list detail by tapping the list name. In the list detail tap on the list name to change it.
  • How do I delete Folder, List, Section, Task or Event?"
    You can delete Folder, List, Section, Task or Event by swipping left. You can also delete List, Section the detail view via the menu. Task and Events can also be deleted from their detail view.
  • Can I use Siri with XToDo?
    Yes, You can. You can use siri to add Tasks, events, view calendar, today or list. You will have to enable Siri through settings in the app.
  • Is my data secure?
    Yes, It is. We use iCloud to store your data on the server so your data will be stored in your iCloud account which only you have an access to. We can not see, use or modify any of your data.
  • Did you find what you are looking for?
    If you didn't find what you are looking for or need more help resolving the issue. Please contact us.
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